Weight Loss Attempt #3745

So I’m about to embark on a Slimming World journey. Part of me wants to shoot myself in the face; another bloody diet?!

I remember signing up to SW in my local village when I turned 18. I remember it all being about Red days and Green days. I remember being addicted to fresh pineapple and Muller Light yoghurts. I remember feeling bloody excellent about myself, although had so little weight to lose back then really (if only we’d all focused when we first thought we were “fat” eh?).

Anyone who has followed me on my Instagram will probably have found me from my endless stream of Weight Watcher hashtags. I lost almost 2 stone with WW, felt lighter than air and happier than the Chuckle Brothers, then life happened. A stone creeped back on. I found myself getting angry that I had to Pro Point so hard for half an avocado, which was meant to be one of the greatest (and delicious) sources of wonderful fats.

I then tested out half of the first Cycle of The Body Coach 90 Day SSS Plan. Yessss, all the eating, a few quick rounds of HIIT. Winning!


I made the fatal error of stepping on the scales (which you are heavily advised AGAINST) and I wasn’t losing weight like my brain was telling me I needed to. A decade of emotional eating and self-worth-bashing is hard to overcome in a couple of weeks. I couldn’t re-focus, couldn’t get my brain back into the game because I wasn’t getting the results I currently needed. I began having panic attacks because it felt like I was forcing myself to exercise when I didn’t have the time thanks to a manic workload and no obvious body change results. And then life happened again. Another stone back on…

OH WAIT. I’m back to the weight I was pre-Weight Watchers! Utterly devastated. I’m so full of stress and constant exhaustion that I have eaten myself back to square one. I always ALWAYS swore I would never touch Slimming World, because I couldn’t understand how the freedom of not measuring would work, how my IBS would hate me forever, how I’ll be stuck in a frustrated rut again once more.

Then a lovely work colleague gave me her books to look through, recommending that I try it out and see what happens…

So here I go. I’ve planned out a Muller Light and a banana (not pineapple, for shame!) for breakfast and I’m feeling motivated to get back to where I previously was. A day of planning and to fully get my head round these S and P foods to start a week of Extra Easy SP tomorrow. 

I have no idea how many times I’ve said this over the course of the last year and a half, but I’VE GOT THIS. (Please!!)


NB: The Body Coach 90 Day SSS Plan is something I wish to continue with at some point further down the line. Weight loss I’m happy with needs to come first for now!

2 thoughts on “Weight Loss Attempt #3745

    • kaylesonthescales says:

      Thank you so much chick! 🙂 I’m hoping that being able to rant and waffle (mmm waffles) will help. Thank you for reading too! xx


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