RECIPE – Salted Caramel Custard Porridge

I really do love porridge, although I’ve always been one of those people that goes against the tradition of “ooooh slow release carbs, keeps you full til lunch!” Nah. Porridge has NEVER kept me full.

Until this. Three main ingredients; porridge oats (hello Healthy Extra B!), an egg and water. Totally free on Slimming World, and because of the protein from the egg it definitely follows the whole ‘fuller for longer’ ride. The egg gives it this delicious creaminess that makes it feel more dessert than porridge – especially because it’s otherwise made with water! (Oliver Twist gruel, urghh).

My friend Nicola introduced me to this delicious Salted Caramel flavouring from Tesco which will cost you zero Syns. And with salted caramel being one of the most excellent flavorings out there currently, what a treat to include in breakfast! 

This couldn’t be more simple. Bung your HexB oats into a pan (35g), add one cup water and then crack in one egg. Whisk it in so it’s nice and combined. Stir in 1 teaspoon of flavouring and sweetener to taste, heat up until thickened, dollop on speedy fruit and enjoy!

What ways do you enjoy your oats?


(see below picture for full recipe)




  • 35g porridge oats
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon salted caramel flavouring (or any other of your choice!)
  • sweetener to taste
  • fruit of your choice


  1. Put oats and water into a saucepan.
  2. Crack egg into saucepan and whisk in thoroughly.
  3. Stir in flavouring and sweetener.
  4. Heat through gently, stirring to avoid it sticking to the bottom of the pan, until it reaches your desired thickness.
  5. Serve with lashings of your favourite fruits!

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