Week 1 Round-Up

Well I’m chuffed to bits to announce that after one week on Slimming World:


I can hand on heart say I haven’t been as on-track as I should have been. This is mainly because I haven’t figured out a good way to log everything yet. Weight Watchers was easy through the app (and third party apps when I stopped paying for membership!), but as I’m doing this alone without membership, I haven’t got my own personal tracker.

I attempted writing down in a notebook but this became messy – I guess I need a good hour to sit and create a lovely document which allows space for all my free foods/healthy extras/Syns. Yayyy, nerd-time! Procrastination from work time!!

It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to actually eat this week, and have the freedom to finally eat what the hell I want. I decided to try a week of Extra Easy SP, so 50% of your plate should be speed fruits or veg and the remaining 50% should be protein source. Low carb usually has great results for me, however was probably a bit too much of a challenge considering I’ve been so off track for so long. So it’s just standard SW practice for now.

It’s so nice to finally feel in control again! Not getting stressed over strict eating, being able to actually eat fruit as a snack, not having panic attacks when forcing myself to exercise when I was too exhausted and needed time to wind down…

I hope everyone else has had a fab week! See below for a round up of what I’ve been eating this week – always found on my Instagram @kaylesonthescales


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