What have I been doing in Lockdown?

It’s been ruddy tough to make sure I’ve kept my brain occupied during Lockdown and during mental health recovery. Don’t get me wrong, probably 55% of my days have been laying, unmotivated in my own depressive filth, however the remaining have been unofficially sponsored by the following:

Shagged Married Annoyed


I’m not massively into podcasts or audiobooks; I usually switch off far too quickly with auditory information, however THIS PODCAST IS AMAZING. Chattering on about their married life, answering the most hilariously ridiculous questions from the public (p p p p p p p p public!), discussing the most beautifully absurd stories from the public, and a lot of poo and disastrous sex – I swear down I have not laughed this hard and so breathlessly in so long. I am beyond thankful for the random escapism it has provided, and how it has consistently given me a good chunk of smile time.

Grey’s Anatomy


My great pal Laura basically told me to try watching Grey’s and I am FURIOUS with myself for not having watched this earlier?! I’m currently 6 seasons in, out of an almighty 16, and I can’t get enough of the gore (got nail gunned in the head, mate? What’s that, you’ve been impaled by an ENTIRE TREE?), the constant discovering of some dramatic underlying illness, and shouting at every character who can’t decide who they want to have a fucking relationship with. Oh and Mark Sloan. Oh god yes, Mark Sloan.

My New Vacuum Cleaner


HAHAHAHA HOW COOL AM I. I decided to bite the money bullet and purchase a more expensive, decent vacuum. My current one wasn’t sucking up anything, and anyone with a constantly malting scalp and the floofiest of all floofy animals who likes to kick cat litter everywhere will know how this Just. Won’t. Do. I now love vacuuming. I even vacuumed the dust off the ceiling. I’m so grown up.


I have had a very good amount of wine. Merlot and Pinot Grigio to be precise. Documented well to share with those I wish I was actually drinking wine with. Also for some reason being on video chat now makes me immediately want to get a glass out, especially if it’s movie time. Amounts consumed has varied from a little average glass to the entire bottle. Not sorry.

Harry Potter


In-between my Grey’s Anatomy fest, I made time for a much enjoyed Harry Potter box set binge. Can’t even explain how much I cried and tried to perform Wingardium Leviosa on the cat. And then I started listening to Stephen Fry read me the audiobooks (absolutely do not feel the pressure to pay as much attention to these, so my brain doesn’t mind). And then finish one audiobook and watch the corresponding film to see what had been missed. I’m like a bloody wizard detective, Harry!

Ukulele Kayleigh


Yup. I’m a musician again. The ukulele is a hilarious instrument, also rhyming with my name a bit too well, and I’ve been thriving off learning songs and posting them for pals to enjoy. I’ve done a bit of Halsey, Nelly, Disney, The Witcher and Vanessa Carlton. Singing makes me feel so momentarily blissfully calm, and knowing I’ve achieved even an average rendition of a catchy tune makes me feel worth something again. Also EVEN BETTER when people have told me how much the videos have made them smile during this exhausting pandemic. (Shoutout to bubba Theo who is apparently obsessed with Hot in Herre. That’s my boy!)

Head over to my Instagram and send a request if you fancy a listen! @kayleighcharlotte

Cross Stitching

I’ve always loved cross stitching. I’ve never been the most crafty of people; my hands would not synchronise enough for knitting and I draw worse than a small child (these guys are actually full on artists now, what). Whenever I walk past a window with a lovely rainbow being displayed, encouraging others to stay safe and to thank the NHS, I would find myself smiling so I decided to join in in my own way. And then realised how much I loved it and started the biggest ever horsey stitch project for Jess. I’m obsessed. Like, I actually cannot stop. Suddenly I realise I’m 6 episodes further into Grey’s and it’s only just starting to look like an ACTUAL horse. I’ll update these pictures when I finish!

So that’s how I’ve been mostly keeping busy. As well as a lot of batch cooking, unnecessarily photographing every meal as professionally as possible, dancing absurdly around the living room, chasing Luna round the house, embracing a butt ton of video calls without doing my hair, make-up or wearing a bra, and napping.

Hope everyone else is keeping well and safe x

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